The Corinth Canal, one of Greece’s most famous and most powerful structures, will reopen this summer, writes Greek Travel Pages.
The canal closed last year, after several landslides, but has now been renovated enough to remain open during the tourist season.
The Corinth Canal is known to be the narrowest canal in the world, relative to its depth. The channel is only barely 25 meters wide, so the ships passing through it do not have much distance to land.
The water depth is 7.5–8.0 meters and the almost vertical walls on the sides are a maximum of 87 meters. It is one of the world’s most famous channels.
Since its completion, the Corinth Canal has been an important transport route, although its importance has diminished as cargo ships have become larger.
However, many smaller cargo and cruise ships still regularly make the trip through the canal. In the past, regular passenger ferries went all the way from Italian to Piraeus through the canal, nowadays there is not even a rail connection between Patras and Athens.
The idea of digging a canal through the Isthmus of Corinth is said to have been raised as early as the 7th century BC. of Periander, who was the second tyrant of Corinth. He bet instead on the land route and the next attempt was not made until 67 AD. of the Roman Emperor Nero. This attempt was aborted early and not until July 25, 1893 was the solemn opening held.
This year’s new inauguration will not be as festive. Namely, there is a larger plan to widen and dredge the canal, so that even large, modern cargo ships will be able to get between Italy and Athens without rounding the Peloponnese. When the last cruise ship of the season has passed in October, the canal closes again and work continues.